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Robert Adamcik

I've always thought in images:  It's my primary language.  I made pictures before I could read or write and I've been making them in some form or another throughout my life.  It's how I process information and how I explain the world to myself and find my place in it.  Starting with a germ of an idea I begin each piece and try to allow it to unfold as needs be.  My thoughts are non-linear and random which accounts for the layering and juxtaposition of images; some just fragments, which build to a finished piece.  Paint and other media provide the vehicle and emotions are translated into color and texture.  I use tools, some used since antiquity, some totally contemporary.  The most important thing is for me to let my subconscious come to the surface.  Frequently I don't understand what is coming through until well after the piece is finished.  I don't have any answers nor agenda other than expressing what is happening in my heart at the moment.  Often viewers see totally different stories than I had ever imagined, which I find fascinating and rewarding.  If my work causes a viewer to think or feel differently, for even a moment, then I feel I've accomplished what I set out to do.  I paint first for myself, but with the thought in mind that this is what I want to share with the world.  I could stop painting as a profession, but I think if I stopped making my work, I would probably explode.

-- Robert M. Adamcik

Represented by Lyman-Eyer Gallery, 432 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657

tel 508 487 3937



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