Kenneth Stubbs

Stubbs, who was born in the South, came to Provincetown to study
with Ambrose Webster in 1931, and also studied in Italy at the Academia
delle Belli Arti, in Florence, Italy.
He had a love for the classic art of the past, personified by Piero della
Francesca, especially his frescos in Arezzo, which Stubbs and his wife,
Miriam were able to film. Stubbs also felt himself part of his era: being
modern in time, he was a modern in art.
His favorite paint medium seems to have been casein, a modern product.
A water-based paint, caseins lend themselves to a sharp-edged technique,
evident in our untitled example, with its pointed shapes that flip back
and forth across the face of the picture, a unifying counterpoint to the
red ground that sets it off.
The Collection of the Provincetown Art Association
and Museum, March 3-13, 2000, The National Arts Club, New York, NY;
Curatorial Notes: Tony Vevers