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Tabitha Vevers

Tabitha Vevers


The Eden Series depicts a species struggling to adapt to a world out of balance. It began with a small doodle of Adam and Eve as a single-celled amoeba in a post-apocalyptic Garden of Eden. The impetus came from the confrontation over teaching the Theory of Evolution in schools. The amorphous creature that I drew was at once male and female: quite literally, flesh made one.

The sketch seemed to embody a more general schism in the U.S. between science and religion - a conflict that is played out in controversies ranging from stem cell research to gay marriage. Another underlying theme is the looming presence of global warming. Remorse draws on Masaccio's Expulsion: Adam is expelled from a city in flames with his "tail" between his legs. In Mammé a many-breasted figure arises from a barren landscape sprouting babies galore, a fertility figure at once cautionary and hopeful. The Eden Series continues to evolve.

--Tabitha Vevers


Provincetown Artist Tabitha Vevers


Represented by Albert Merola Gallery, 424 Commercial Street Provincetown, MA 02657
tel 508 487 4424




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